WRAP Curriculum

Description of WRAP Path

Broadly speaking, the Work Ready Program (WRAP) pathway is divided into four parts, namely: Internship, Apprenticeship, Entrepreneurship, and Research.

WRAP Internship Curriculum Structure

The following is a list of courses per semester along with the Semester Credit Units that are the Study Weights for the WRAP Internship Path. For courses from semester 1 to semester 6, it is the same as the regular route, while for semester 7 and semester 8 it is as follows.


NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1CTI4A2English II2
2CII4A2Proposal Writing2
3CTI4_3Mandatory Choice II3
4UII4YZInternship 19
Number of Credits16
NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1UII4YZInternship 29
Number of Credits13

WRAP Apprenticeship DTI Telkom Curriculum Structure

The following is a list of courses per semester along with the Semester Credit Units that are the Study Weights for the WRAP Apprenticeship DTI Telkom Pathway. For courses from semester 1 to semester 6, it is the same as the regular route, while for semester 7 and semester 8 it is as follows.


NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1CTI4A2English II2
2CII4A2Proposal Writing2
3CTI4_3Mandatory Choice II3
4UDI4YZApprenticeship DTI Telkom 19
Number of Credits16
NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1UDI4YZApprenticeship DTI Telkom 29
Number of Credits13

Curriculum Structure WRAP Apprenticeship Project Management

The following is a list of courses per semester along with the Semester Credit Units that are the Study Weights for the WRAP Apprenticeship Project Management Pathway. For courses from semester 1 to semester 6, it is the same as the regular route, while for semester 7 and semester 8 it is as follows.


NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1CTI4A2English II2
2CII4A2Proposal Writing2
3CTI4_3Mandatory Choice II3
4UPI4A3Project management3
5UPI4B3Project Management Tools and Techniques3
6UPI4C3Professional Ethics and Values3
Number of Credits16
NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
2UPI4C3Advanced Project Management3
Number of Credits13

WRAP Entrepreneurship Curriculum Structure

The following is a list of courses per semester along with the Semester Credit Units that are the Study Weights for the WRAP Entrepreneurship Pathway. For courses from semester 1 to semester 6, it is the same as the regular route, while for semester 7 and semester 8 it is as follows.


NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1CTI4A2English II2
2CTI4_3Mandatory Choice II3
3CTI4_3Option I3
4CTI4_3Option II3
5UEI4A2Value Creation2
6UEI4B3Idea Validation3
7UEI4C3Consumer Validation3
Number of Credits19
NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1UEI4D3Marketing strategy3
2UEI4E3Product Validation3
Number of Credits10

WRAP Researchship Adwitech Curriculum Structure

The following is a list of courses per semester along with the Semester Credit Units that are the Study Weights for the Adwitech Researchship WRAP Pathway. For courses from semester 1 to semester 6, it is the same as the regular route, while for semester 7 and semester 8 it is as follows.


NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1CTI4A2English II2
2CII4B3Practical Work2
3CTI4_3Mandatory Choice II3
4URI4A2Project Proposal2
5URI4B9Research Result3
6URI4C9Draft Manuscript3
Number of Credits16
NoCodeNameSKS TheoryPracticum Credits
1URI4D3Accepted Project3
2URI4E3Research Result3
3URI4F4Analysis & Manuscript Submission4
Number of Credits13