

Apa Itu DBMS? Pengertian, Jenis, dan Contoh DBMS

Apa Itu DBMS? DBMS adalah singkatan dari Database Management System atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Sistem Manajemen Basis Data. DBMS adalah perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat, mengelola, dan memanipulasi data dalam suatu basis data. Dengan menggunakan DBMS, proses pengorganisasian data menjadi lebih mudah, cepat, dan efisien, terutama ketika harus berhadapan dengan data dalam […]


What is a Server? Definition, Function, How it Works, and Types!

What is a Server? A server is a special computer or system that provides various services and resources to other computers or clients over a network. In the world of information technology, the term server is very important because it functions as a data center that organizes and manages requests from many users in a network. This server is usually used for various needs such as website hosting , data […]


Apa itu Server? Pengertian, Fungsi, Cara Kerja, dan Jenisnya!

Apa itu Server? Server adalah komputer khusus atau sistem yang menyediakan berbagai layanan dan sumber daya kepada komputer lain atau client melalui jaringan. Dalam dunia teknologi informasi, istilah server sangatlah penting karena ia berfungsi sebagai pusat data yang mengatur dan mengelola permintaan dari banyak pengguna dalam suatu jaringan. Server ini biasanya digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan […]


Blockchain: Transforming the Way We View Data Security and Transparency

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has gained increasing popularity in recent years. Originally used as the backbone for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, this technology is now being applied across various industries. However, many people still ask, what is blockchain, and why has it become such an important topic in the digital era? This article will […]


The Impact of Information Technology on Modern Societys Lifestyle

In this fast-paced digital era, information technology has become an inseparable part of modern society’s daily life. Technology has transformed various aspects of life, from how we work, communicate, to how we shop. Technological advancements encourage people to adopt a more adaptive lifestyle in response to the continuous and rapid changes. The Influence of Technological […]